Spotlight offers more than proofreading services and provides an entire array of marketing services. Check out how else we can help you grow your business.
Whether you’re starting a new business or are a seasoned professional, developing a plan is the most critical piece of your marketing strategy. An effective plan ensures your company’s image and message are successfully communicated to your current and potential customers at the right time and place. Following a marketing plan and creating a realistic budget will maximize your return on investment and grow profits.
Effectively promoting your company’s brand value is a cornerstone of successful marketing. Spotlight will work with you to identify what sets you apart then develop customized graphics and messages to thread through newsletters, advertising, brochures, your website and more.
Managing the public's perception through the media requires careful planning and expertise in working with the press. Whether it's writing a news release or engaging reporters in a story, Spotlight has the experience to assist clients in meeting its public relations goals.
From simple to complex websites, eNewsletters to eVites, social networking and more, digital marketing has become an integral component of the marketing mix. Spotlight utilizes digital marketing to cost-effectively communicate your brand value to customers and prospects.
For some companies, having an on-site marketing staff member or department may not make financial sense. Spotlight works with many clients to serve as their off-site marketing partner. Based on the needs and staffing of your business, we can work on special projects, campaigns or manage your marketing plan on an ongoing basis.
It costs six to eight times more money to gain new customers than to keep your existing customers. A customer retention plan is key to the long-term success of any business. Spotlight has proven loyalty strategies, which will help you keep current customers happy while gaining new business.
The most valuable asset a business has is its people. Company employees can literally make or break a business. They can be your best ambassador and marketing tool, or your worst critic. Spotlight provides specific employee training on customer service, why a company’s image is key, as well as incentive programs to keep your employees motivated.
In business, “It’s all about the customer.” Surprisingly, most businesses fail to ask their customers if they’re happy and what they could do to improve the customer experience. Additionally, most new businesses don’t partake in any type of market research to determine challenges and gaps that may be barriers to attaining success. At Spotlight, we develop custom tools to capture key data to identify opportunities and address possible weaknesses. This information helps our clients enhance revenues while minimizing potentially costly mistakes.